Solve it and enjoy this stage!

Through the lactation maternal, babies receive the nutrients necessary for their development and growth. Therefore, the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends exclusive breastfeeding for six months, but what are the most common complications that occur at this stage?

One of these consequences are cracked and dry nipples; They can cause a lot of pain and prevent effective breastfeeding. These can be caused by a variety of reasons such as:


  1. Bad grip of your baby breast-feed .
  2. Bad positioning of your baby at breast-feed .
  3. Carelessness and poor ventilation of the breasts.
  4. Incorrect use of the breast pump.
  5. Appearance of candidiasis.
  6. Detach your baby without breaking the suction.

You may also be interested: 6 factors that prevent breastfeeding


Solve it and enjoy this stage!

To avoid these problems, we suggest that you breast-feed to your baby you make sure he is well positioned and restrained, so that he sucks correctly.

We also recommend that you keep your breasts dry and ventilated to prevent the proliferation of fungi and bacteria in the area, and thus not lead to the development of infections.

Also, when washing your breasts do not use substances such as soaps, perfumes or creams that can dry them. Finally, be sure to always break the suction with your finger before releasing your baby from your chest.

Any questions you have regarding the appearance of your breasts when carrying out the lactation maternal, we recommend you go to a breastfeeding group, or your doctor or lactation consultant. And you, how long have you been slow to breastfeed your children?

You want to know more, check this information and other topics of interest in The Bebeteca .

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