Add more effort to your routine

When asked how much physical activity necessary perform , Harvard Medical School explains that there are four different answers that are related to the Health , recreation , competition or appearance . If your goal is the last, these are some exercises with Bank for burn calories .


Harvard Medical School adds that the most common goal when making exercise is for lose weight . To achieve it in a short time it is important to practice a hour up to date. The type of activity depends on the skills Y preferences personal. "


Add more effort to your routine

The exercises aerobics and cardiovascular they are the most effective for burning calories . The routine with Bank it is recommended because it is added effort extra.

1. Push-ups with knees. According to the article 1,500 fitness Übungen , the Swedish bank is used to perform strength exercises which increases the use of energy. When sitting on the shore they place their arms behind the buttocks as a support measure. With your back straight start doing push-ups and knee extensions. It strengthens the abdominal muscle and stimulates the loss of calories.

2. Step. This is a kind of exercise aerobic very recommended to burn easily calories . Gin Miller , creator of Step Reebok , explains that because it is an activity that takes place very quickly it is important to take care that beats do not exceed 128 per minute.

The step is done with a bank rectangular high. Consists in go up Y go down of the platform with a choreography presented by a coach qualified. It is carried out in groups and usually has a duration of one hour .


Gin Miller suggests using a platform higher for better results. When start Ideally, do it with a bank of 10 cm and for participants advanced in one of 25 cm .

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