Care before running, improve your performance

Exercise has multiple benefits for the body, because in addition to maintaining a healthy weight, you favor the mobility of your body and prevent the appearance of various diseases such as obesity, diabetes and hypertension.


Running is one of the most complete exercises that exist since they allow to improve cardiovascular, muscular and flexibility health, but, what care you must have before running ? Discover it


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7 things you should avoid before a race

Did you know that 50% of people who tend to run suffer at least one injury per year? Therefore, we share seven things you should avoid before a race:


1. Do not do crunches . According to the portal , the abdomen is one of the weak points of the corridor. It is necessary to strengthen them to balance strength and avoid unnecessary overloads and annoying injuries. With performing a few every day that the race is trained, it will be enough to avoid discomfort of the back and in the pubic area.


2. Wear a cap. More than 70% of body heat is lost through the top of the head, so it is not necessary to wear a cap since it prevents the release of heat.


3. Medicate Do not consume any type of analgesic to calm the pain of an injury and continue with the race. Ice and rest help you heal and so you prepare for the next race.


4. Do not heat up Many people do not tend to warm up before a race, which in many cases generates tendonitis. Doing so is important as it increases body temperature and relaxes the muscles to prepare them for work.


5. To stretch . Stretching and massage exercises after a competition also help prevent injuries.


6. Unsuitable footwear. It is common to take advantage of every situation to release clothing or shoes; however, the use of new athletic shoes can cause injuries, if used for a competition, such as plantar fasciitis that occurs in 85% of people who use an incorrect tennis size.


7. Sleep bad. A bad break diminishes the energy that the body needs for a training and even more for a race.



Take advantage of these tips and encourage yourself to run!

Video Medicine: 5 Running Tips for Beginners ???? 5 Things I Wish I Knew about Running from the Beginning (April 2024).