Sculpt a sexy back

It is usually present after a Increased weight, but it also influences the body structure of the person; However, the "fat rolls" in the back It is a situation that generates discomfort for many women because it makes this area of ​​the body look unsophisticated.

According to a study conducted by the expert Michael Jensen, from the Endocrinology Research Unit of the Mayo Clinic in the United States , to gain weight , in the lower part of the body (from the hip and down) the number of fat cells increases, while in the upper part of the body (from the waist and up) what increases is the size of these cells


Sculpt a sexy back

Exercise is a good way to Burn calories and reduce the fat that accumulates in the back. For that reason we offer you the following movements. Try it.

1. Take a chair and perform 3 sets of squat by holding your weight on the arms and putting the palms of your hands on the edge of the seat. Slowly raise and lower.

2. Clap with your arms extended back and forth. The applause should be paused and held for 3 seconds in each position.

3. Hold a broomstick over your head, with your arms separated at the height of the shoulders Lift it and lower it from behind your head, elevate it by passing it in front of your face.

4. Lie face down with your legs together, extend your arms forward to form a Y, with your thumbs pointing up.

5. In position to make plates, raise the back dorsal up, like a cat, when the back is curved upwards. Return to the starting position without lowering the trunk.

In addition to performing a daily exercise routine it is important that you learn to balance your diet as it is a work from the inside out. Beware!