Enemy for the figure!

Hunger is a natural impulse of the body, which aims to maintain and preserve life, says Susana Monereo, general secretary of theSpanish Society for the Study of Obesity. However, when this biological sensation is confused with whim.


A craving can be defined as the uncontrolled desire to eat something. It is not impossible to overcome them, it depends a lot on self-control, and also on how often this happens, "he says in an interview to GetQoralHealth, the nutritionist Mariana Velazque.


Enemy for the figure!

If you eat everything that is you crave naturally you would go up in weight because you would exceed the level of kilocalories you need per day. Therefore it is important that you learn to differentiate between a biological requirement and a whim. The expert Mariana gives you some clues.

1. Check the schedule in which you are craving a particular food . This is important because many times the problem is that you skip your meals or spend many hours between each food, and before the need for energy the body begins to feel hungry and can look like a whim.

2. Check under what conditions it is presented. Particularly in what emotional. Example, for many people the anxiety It is related to sweet food.

3. Check your hormones. Many times before the rise or decrease of certain hormones the senses are sharpened, this is the case of pregnancy.

4. After having eaten your craving, do you satisfy that need? I mean, you craved chocolate cookies, you eat them: And then? If it happens to you occasionally and you eat them it is not a big problem, the bad thing is if several times a day you feel the same. There may already be other types of disorders, such as compulsive eating or anxiety .

5. Detect if you are drinking enough water. It is very common to confuse the lack of water with hunger or craving something in particular. Check that you are taking the necessary water.


Having a particular craving is not necessarily an addiction. There may be a type of eating disorder that coincides with the taste for some food; example, chocolate, "says Velazque.

Cravings are not bad, excess is. Take care of yourself and try to maintain a balanced diet!