Find your motivation!

For some people lose weight usually becomes a nightmare, for all the changes it represents, that is, from carrying a very rigid food plan, the performance of exercise or other actions to which they are not accustomed; however, you can do it through your own habits .

According to various scientific studies, our habits help us maintain a Healthy weight It's just a matter of getting used to them and putting them into practice at all times.

In addition, motivation is vital to achieve our goal, that is, it is the force that moves you to do something pleasantly, he says. Mentxu DaVinci, specialist in Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP).


Find your motivation!

The specialist in change of habits indicates that to lose weight successfully you must include behaviors in a positive and attractive way, so that it does not represent a sacrifice. For example, subsistence allowance rich and substantial, a physical activity of our liking, among others.

Also, your goal is to divide it into several short-term goals and, if you meet them, do not hesitate to reward yourself for it. It is important that you prioritize what you want to achieve.

Dedicate some minutes of the day to imagine what your life will be like when you reach your goal, in this way your mind will have clear the way you want to go.

Remember that if you start to change your habits in the company of your partner, a friend or a relative, it will be easier for you, since you will feel accompanied and you will see it as fun.

To lose weight you should not only focus on what you eat or what you do, your mind is the most powerful instrument to achieve it. So focus, visualize and enjoy every new habit you undertake. And you, have you changed your habit to achieve it?