Purple potatoes reduce blood pressure

A study published by the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry suggests that including purple potatoes in the diet helps reduce blood pressure without increasing weight .

A group of 18 people was followed up for two months hypertension . The participants were divided into two groups, one of which consumed two servings of purple potato (including the shell) a day; the other group did not make any changes in their diet . At the end of the study, it was observed that those who had consumed the potatoes had reduced their blood pressure about 4%.

In the following video they mention what is the blood pressure and their characteristics:

The potato is a legume which is characterized by having a high content of starches, which cause the weight gain of those who consume them daily, however, the purple potato in addition to reducing the blood pressure , does not contribute to weight gain; therefore it is an ideal food to include in the diet and improve health.

The purple potato is rich in antioxidants that prevent the inflammation of the arteries, linked to the hypertension ; it also contains chlorogenic acid , a substance that reduces blood pressure of natural form.

Include a portion of purple potato in the diet benefits cardiovascular health and decreases the risk of heart attack or brain Atack. Do not hesitate and eat purple potatoes without fear of gaining weight!

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Video Medicine: Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Purple Potatoes (April 2024).