Where are you?

I do not like how you get on with that person! Who's calling you? You're not going anywhere without me! These are phrases that a jealous person tells his or her partner, but, did you know that there are three types of jealousy What impact positively and negatively on your relationship?

In an interview for GetQoralHealth, psychotherapist Mario Guerra, spokesperson for Match.com, explains that in a relationship is normal that there is jealousy . Even, there are different classifications.


Where are you?

1. Reagents

They are presented when a member of the couple does something that transgresses the relationship, that is, they dance in a way that bothers their better half, or they look in a special way at someone else.


"Researchers detail that these are beneficial in the relationship and are stable and lasting couples, but its main characteristic is that they register when an attitude or behavior of the couple hurts the relationship. Do not create paranoia or anxiety, "says Mario Guerra.

The couple tells you directly what does not like you to do certain things. It happens on rare occasions.

2. Territorial or anxious

They are presented when a person imagines that someone is going to steal from their partner or that their better half will "go with the first individual that passes".


"They are the most common and those that hurt the relationship the most because they create distrust and paranoia", explains the psychologist.

The jealous one asks questions of everything, the anxiety that anywhere there is danger of losing the couple.

3. Possessives

They are the most toxic, because the person believes that their partner is their property.


"Who suffers from this type of jealousy limits the behavior of those who are at their side, controls from the way they dress, look and where to go."

The people who suffer from it think that whatever the couple does, it will always be the fault of everything.

In the case of reagents, good communication is the basis for maintaining a solid relationship, but for territorial and possessive people professional help is needed to overcome them, concludes Mario Guerra.

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