Pupil reflects your emotions

Did you know that your pupil is upset when you are angry or excited? That's right, the size of yourpupil It grows when your body experiences various pleasant feelings and minimizes when observing something that you reject, indicates the University of cantabria .

This black circle that is located in the center of the iris, can be modified when looking at nearby objects or when changing the intensity of illumination, because the functions of the pupil are to regulate the amount of light that enters the eye and give depth of focus .

Specialists ensure that when you fall in love or experience a pleasurable sexual stimulation, your Pupils they expand because the emotion is reflected through the impulses that your brain for him nerve optical.

However, when you perform some analysis of other people's feelings, or your thinking is logical or analytical, your pupil it contracts automatically.


Sexual gender defines the size of the pupil

According to a study of the University of Valencia , published in the magazine Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy, the diameter of the pupil it is greater in the healthy eyes of women than in men.

The researchers point out that the emmetropic eye, normal and not pathological, is the most frequent type among the population (43.2%), with a percentage that ranges between 60.6% in children from three to eight years old up to 29% in those over 66 years.

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