Psychosis detonates oedipal

Oedipism is a term that refers to the ocular autoenucleation , (take off the eyes) derived from Greek mythology, because Oedipus, king of Thebes, practiced it. In medicine, cases of autolytic lesions , especially in patients psychotic , which can be associated with self-injury in different areas of the body.

According to a Spanish research published in Forensic Medicine Notebooks, the self-mutilation ocular is an uncommon phenomenon that usually appears associated with hallucinations paranoid , as a result of psychosis .

After the review of different cases and medical literature, the authors, forensic doctors and ophthalmologists, explain that the autoenucleation it is the worst form of ocular self-mutilation .

Therefore, in GetQoralHealth we show you a video of Healthguru, where the psychologist Dr. Clive Spiegel explains more about the psychosis and the behaviors related to this disease:

Affected patients are immersed, usually in a box delirious Y hallucinatory originally schizophrenic ; while others act influenced by the action of drug , alcohol , solvents and more rarely, related to organic diseases.

In this regard, they documented that:

1. The majority of these patients psychotic present hallucinations of religious or sexual content. It is usually related to a feeling of guilt which, they think, will disappear when doing so eyes . Apparently they feel the atonement. 2. During the castration they just feel pain . 3. They use different mechanisms to provoke themselves blunt or penetrating trauma : the fingers (the most frequent), scissors, knives, knives, tools handled by themselves and grapples. 4. The age range is between 15 and 53 years, with a peak incidence between 30 and 40 years. 5. The ratio between men and women is equal (1 to 1) and, after the self-mutilation , make several suicide attempts.

In some cases, the injuries ocular they are the first symptom of an outbreak psychotic that forces differential diagnosis and psychiatric treatment timely, after ophthalmologic repair.

In this way, researchers consider the close monitoring of patients with tendencies necessary autolytic due to his continuous attempts to self-mutilation , being the eyes one of the main objectives.

Video Medicine: Anne Carson: A Lecture on Corners (May 2024).