Pros and cons of a quick nap

In addition to a lack of energy during the day, the reduction of sleep hours increases the chances of a woman having breast cancer, according to an investigation carried out by the Western Reserve University in the United States.

An excellent alternative to increase your rest is a quick nap. For the American Space Agency (NASA) only 26 minutes is enough for these episodes to provide all their benefits; reduction of cardiovascular risks, eliminate the stress and get better smoke.


Pros and cons of a quick nap

A quick nap throughout the day, can help you to be more awake and attentive about your activities, but like any action there are also pros and cons, with information from the Huffington Post, we present you some:

1. The smaller the better. A short nap is better than a long nap, since the latter can induce a deeper sleep, which leads to a drowsy feeling upon awakening. In addition, it can also interfere with nighttime sleep.

2. It makes you more creative. After a nap there is an explosion of activity in the right hemisphere, the strongest side linked with creativity, as indicated by the site .

3. Be careful with the time. A nap taken before 2:00 p.m. does not tend to interfere so much with sleep during the night. Naps, the earlier they are better.

The effects of a quick nap on adults can be beneficial, this practice in children and the elderly is essential. In children under 5 years of age napping is a strictly necessary practice for physical and neurological development. In the third age it is also necessary so that the elderly have a better quality of life.

Shelby Freedman, psychologist, points out that if you do not fall asleep during the nap or at bedtime it is necessary that you go to a specialist, as it is a sign that there is a problem that you must attend urgently. Remember, your health is in your hands!

Video Medicine: I Decided to Sleep for 4 Hours a Day, See What Happened (May 2024).