7 foods that damage your liver

A correct functioning of the liver allows us to have an organism free of toxins, because it is responsible for cleaning the blood and convert food into energy. Therefore, it is vital to prevent liver diseases, according to the Mexican Foundation for Liver Health (FundHepa).

In information published by the portal Livestrong.com , an unhealthy diet favors the development of liver diseases such as hepatitis, cirrhosis, fatty liver and cancer. Some of the foods that damage the functioning of the liver are:

1.- Products rich in cholesterol. They have a high risk of generating liver diseases such as red meat, shrimp and egg yolk. Mayo Clinic recommends reducing the intake of animal products or changing it for vegetables, fruits and whole grains.

2.- Fatty foods. The American Liver Foundation ensures that this type of products have many calories and increase triglyceride levels which directly damages the liver. Reduce the consumption of lard, butter, cream, chicken skin, creamy dressings and mayonnaise.

3.- Fast food. It is a mixture of sodium and calories, so excessive consumption generates a buildup of fat in the liver, which contributes to liver damage.

4.- Sugar. The ingestion of soft drinks, sweets, corn syrup and desserts are a risk factor to trigger liver diseases such as fibrosis.

5.- Proteins. The specialists of Mayo Clinic they assure that diets high in proteins increase liver function because they must eliminate toxins that are formed when the protein is digested, which favors the development of cirossis or liver cancer.

6.- Salt. Excessive consumption increases blood pressure and increases the risk of fatty liver disease. Read the product labels to check the amount of sodium and reduce the consumption of processed foods such as bacon and sausages.

7.- Alcoholic beverages. Fundhepa details that when the liver has to process a lot of alcohol, the normal functions of the liver have to be interrupted, which leads to a chemical imbalance and the destruction of liver cells and can generate fatty liver, hepatitis or cirrhosis.

In addition to taking care of your diet to prevent liver diseases, you must do some physical activity, vaccinate against hepatitis, consume only medicines prescribed by your doctor and wash your hands after going to the bathroom. Take care of your liver!

Video Medicine: Fatty Liver Disease | Q&A (April 2024).