62% of Mexicans think that diseases are psychosomatic

Approximately 68% of Mexicans say they try to listen more to their bodies, while 64% pay more attention to health issues, revealed a survey conducted by Euro RSCG Worldwide.

The Prosumer Report : Modern Life in Mexico, carried out with a sample of 7 thousand adults in 19 countries, where it stands out that 62% of Mexicans (277 men and 223 women), consider that the origin of the diseases are psychosomatics , that is, that a badly channeled emotion is the trigger for certain ailments.

In an interview for GetQoralHealth , Martha Sánchez Navarro , an expert in metaphysics, gives an example of how emotions affect our physical and mental health:

Regarding negative thoughts, Euro RSCG Worldwide, said that 60% of people consider what to do positive affirmations They help to heal and liberate you.

The objective of this study, which was carried out at the end of 2011 and which is now known, is to identify what motivates, concerns, inspires and occupies people, in order to improve their quality of life.

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