10 forms vs cholesterol

More than 100 million people in the world have cholesterol high (above 200 mg / dL), which obstructs the arteries causing heart attacks and accidents cerebrovascular .

However, not all bad news; There are several ways that help you reduce cholesterol levels and decrease the risk of Heart problems .


Follow these simple suggestions and you will be surprised by the results:

1.  Choose healthy foods; studies show that include in the diet fruits and vegetables reduces the cholesterol up to 20%.

2. Reduce your consumption of Red meat .

3.  Eat fish is good for the heart since it has a high content of Omega 3 ; These healthy fats are concentrated in high doses, which helps reduce triglycerides in people with very high levels.

4.  Eat foods rich in fiber , such as grains, cereals, fruits, etc .; experts recommend a serving of 25 to 35 grams a day; if you meet your daily allowance you reduce your levels by up to 5%.

5.  The consumption of Vitamin B reduces "bad" cholesterol (LDL) and increases "good" cholesterol (HDL); triglycerides . You can find it in supplements such as niacin . Consult your doctor before use.

6.  Physical activity is very important increases the "good" cholesterol (HDL) and reduces the risk of death by 25% compared to people who do not perform any kind of exercise .

7.  Reduce the stress .

8.  If you do not practice any sport or do not have time to enroll in a gym, just walk, this practice not only helps your heart, it also oxygenates your lungs and clears the mind.

9.  Do not smoke, the smoking It causes severe damage to your heart and potentially raises your levels.

10.  It is important to lower weight , obesity affects not only your heart but your Health in general.

With these strategies you will reduce your cholesterol levels; perform them constantly to become a habit improve your Health Y quality of life .

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