No mistakes!

It can take a person only seconds to evaluate you. How is it possible? 55% of the concept that has been formulated is apparent from your personal appearance, as suggested by an article of the Higher Polytechnic School of the Litoral .

This is important, especially if you belong to the 52.1 million Mexicans who work, according to figures from the National Institute of Statistics and Geography.


No mistakes!

A neglected and incongruous image with the company's philosophy communicates distrust, incapacity, deficiency and lack of professionalism ", affirms David Navarro, consultant Excellence image.

So that your image in the work is the appropriate check these tips and, starts!


1. That the clothes favor you

For this, the expert Ximena de Icaza explains how to know what figure you have and what goes best with you. Click!


2. Take this out of your life, immediately!

For Navarro, you must renounce this if you want to have a good image: wear dirty or worn shoes, too much jewelry, use the cell phone on your belt and keep pens in your pants pocket.


3. Natural makeup. Check the tutorial!


4. Project power

Plain colors reflect more power than garments with patterns such as stripes or squares, which communicate accessibility. Thin fabrics are more elegant.


5. Let your body speak

A body language is essential. For this the image consultant, Sara Dulché, gives you the following keys.


Do not forget. Everything in the shoes is important, they should not be too high and make uncomfortable noises in each step. Carry out these tips and achieve success.