Liposuction not suitable for people with obesity

The liposuction it is a procedure that is used to shape or shape the body, so it is aimed at the patient in a normal weight range, with a Body Mass Index (BMI) of less than 26, said Silvia Espinoza , head of the Plastic Surgery Department of the Hospital General of Mexico (HGM)

Espinoza noted that this technique is contraindicated by Law in the Mexican Official Norm for the Attention of Obesity to lose weight , In person obese , with anemia , chronic uncontrolled or systemic diseases contraindicated, because of the risk of this.

However, if a person with overweight or obesity request a liposuction , in the HGM it is attended first in the Department of Dietology to lose weight.

The health expert explained that liposuction is the second most common surgical procedure in Mexico, after rhinoplasty or nose surgery, and involves the removal of fat through a cannula and a vacuum cleaner, hence its correct name. Liposuction.

The objective is to remove the fatty deposits that are in the arms, chaps, waist and abdomen. Much of the grease that it is extracted can be injected in other parts of the body, to increase some parts and decrease others.

It is used in both sexes: men liposuction abdomen, torso, breasts and jowls. In women the waist, chaps, abdomen and face.

According to the head of the HGM, this procedure has advanced dramatically and is currently done with very thin cannulas for liposuction. There are other methods with ultrasound, laser or vibration, which destroy fat cells before removing them from the body, less damaging the body and avoiding trauma:

"Liposuction involves the removal of fat cells and if a person after undergoing this technique gains weight considerably, it is because they thicken the parts of the body that did not liposuction and that did not get fat before, because the cells that previously accumulated the excess of fat are no longer ", said Silvia Espinoza.

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Video Medicine: Who is not a good candidate for lipo?, Houston, Dallas, San Antonio, Austin (May 2024).