Natural medicine…

Acéptenoslo, we live in a dangerous world, where the possibilities of accidentarnos are endless: while we prepare food, when we take the dog for a walk, and even when reading a book we can suffer some cut or scratch.


Minor wounds that, believe it or not, can become a "headache".

Although it is inevitable that these lesions contain microorganisms, some of them even harbor bacteria that invade and damage the tissue, delaying healing and causing damage to health (infections), "describes the Medical Education Partnership.


Natural medicine…

The first action to avoid an infection is to wash the wound with water and neutral soap. Then, apply on it some of these remedies for cuts and scrapes:


1. Peppermint and cinnamon oil

It can be purchased in health food stores and its price is accessible to all pockets. According to scientists from the American Chemical Society, mint and cinnamon have antimicrobial properties, which act against four different types of bacteria.


2. Honey

Antioxidants, amino acids, vitamins and minerals present in honey are capable of killing both bacteria and fungi. In addition, its viscous texture improves healing, while improving wetting.

Video Medicine: The Secrets Of Herbal Medicine : Best Documentary Of All Time (April 2024).