Motivate yourself!

One of our great desires as a woman is keep us in shape Y take off those extra kilos , although we always think that to achieve this we must submit to subsistence allowance very rigorous.

You do not have to sacrifice so much, nor do you have to starve yourself. By changing certain habits and with patience, you can achieve it.

Even, an investigation of the Food and Brand Lab, from Cornell University , says that just by making some changes in our daily lives, we can end up with those calories for show off the figure you've always wanted .

About, Attitude Fem shares five tips to lose weight or without doing diet and with which in a short time you will be able show off a flat belly .


Motivate yourself!

These simple recommendations that you can put into practice every day can be the beginning for slim down without need to subsistence allowance .

Other strategies that you could apply is the one that found the American Diabetes Association in Chicago, United States . Making two strong meals a day helps keep you thin, rather than making six small meals.

In addition, sleeping well also influences the weightloss . A study conducted in the University of Chicago affirms that resting less than recommended while having a diet, increases levels of "ghrelin", a hormone that increases hunger and lowers burning of calories .

Cheer up to make these small changes in your lifestyle and your diet. You can enjoy good results.

Video Medicine: How to motivate yourself to change your behavior | Tali Sharot | TEDxCambridge (April 2024).