5 children's games for the car

We spend many hours in the car with our children, who get tired of sitting, get bored, despair, dizzy, etc., and basically become a factor of distraction when driving, which can be solved with some children's games:

With these games you not only minimize the possibility of a accident , but also stimulate your child's abilities, such as cognition, motor coordination, senses and vocabulary :

1. Making luggage . You can ask: "What did we put in the suitcase?" So that the child names all the objects that they kept. This game stimulates your cognition .

2. Planning travel activities . You start by saying let's go to: and each one mentions what they want to do in that place. In this way you foster your imagination and creativity.

3. The list of the super. "I went to the store and bought ham and ..." So you can start and then everyone should say a product, in addition to repeating those that have already been said. It is a highly recommended game to develop the memory .

4. Word chain. Choose one word and the next has to say another word that starts with the last syllable of the previous one. This game is for children from 6 years old, with which they develop their cognition and vocabulary .

5. The sound code . The same story is told in turns. The first one changes a word for a sound, the next one must tell the story with that sound and add one more. So on until the story is a set of sounds that only the "little ones" can decipher. For children over 7 years old who develop their mental abilities and senses.

In addition to these games , there is an endless list of activities that you can do with your children so that the time they spend in the car, is a quality time that allows them a more enjoyable and entertaining trip.

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Video Medicine: 7 Awesome Kid's Vehicles You Need To Ride ???? (April 2024).