6 tips for a healthy children's lunch

When preparing a healthy lunch box, your children eat better and you save money. But what should it include? According to a survey, 74% of all lunch boxes have a sandwich. The ham is the most popular. Fruit and fruit juices, such as apples, are included in 59% of the lunch boxes.

That's a good start, since the American Association Against Obesity (American Obesity Associate) found that 15.5% of children and adolescents between the ages of 6 to 19 are obese. You can help your child fight against obesity preparing a healthy lunch, here are some tips:

1.- Use wholemeal bread: Instead of using white bread in sandwiches, it uses wholemeal bread, which contains more vitamins and minerals, in addition to having a high fiber content, which is good for the digestive system.

2.- Avoid soda and other very sweet drinks: Many of the commercial fruit juices with 100% fruit content, although they do not have artificial sugar, contain too much fructose . While sodas have too high a sugar content and nothing nutritious. It is better to include skim milk or a bottle of water.

3.- Add the good: Make sure you include vegetables and fruits, whole grains and low-fat dairy products. Try things like carrots, whole grain crackers and low-fat yogurts grease

4.-  Replace: There are many ways to replace your child's favorite foods. Change fried chips, which are high in fat and sodium, to baked chips or popcorn without butter. Instead of canned fruit use fresh or dried fruits. Replace the candies with granola bars or apple slices.

5.- Varies: If you vary what is included in the lunchbox, you will prevent your child from getting bored, and motivate him to try new things.

6.- Make it fun: Make your child smile by including a small affectionate note in his lunch box. Or surprise him with a candy like a low-fat cookie or a mix of dried fruits and nuts.

The most important thing is to plan healthy, fun and appetizing snacks. To do this, ask your child which one is his favorite, but also give him new options.

Always wash your hands when preparing food for small children, disinfect fruits and vegetables, cook meat products well, clean containers and prefer those that are hermetically sealed and that do not keep odors.

Also, choose foods that do not need to be refrigerated for a long time and use a thermal lunch box that conserves heat or cold, according to the type of dish you choose for your child's recess.

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Video Medicine: 6 School Lunch Hacks for Kids of All Ages | Tips for Every Mom (April 2024).