Meditation is effective against stress

The meditation It has been practiced for more than 5,000 years for intellectual, religious or health purposes. Today, meditating for a few minutes a day can help reduce the stress and expand your vision of life.

Without a doubt, meditation can become our best ally because it helps us to release the bad thoughts of our mind. In addition, it implies relaxation, and if we have a flexible mind, our body will be flexible; the physical relaxation will bring mental relaxation and vice versa.

Stress can be reduced by means of meditation , because the deceleration of the metabolism It balances and reduces the consumption of oxygen and carbon dioxide, and once this happens, the heartbeat slows down and the blood pressure is balanced.


Types of meditation

  1. The buddhism : the mind manages to reach a plane of reality and understanding that goes beyond the sensory or learned. You can also expand or control the spectrum of personality motivations
  2. The Zen Buddhism : consider meditation is a natural state of growth if the ego does not interrupt it
  3. The Hinduism (yoga Y vedanta) : meditation is part of two of the six branches of Hindu philosophy
  4. Buddhist practice of Theravada , where the meditation involves both known techniques and Samadhi Y Vipassana , as well as the development of goodness and "superior knowledge"



  1. Control the stress
  2. Reorder the mind
  3. Decrease anxiety
  4. Improves the understanding of objectives and motivations
  5. Balance the character

The techniques of meditation they can vary, ranging from those based on observing the breath, to visualizing some positive thought or inspiring image, focusing on some object or image, the invocations, to those based on complex types of "spiritual alchemy." meditations without object, defocusing the mental tension.

What kind of meditation would you like to practice?

Video Medicine: Guided Meditation For Anxiety & Stress, Beginning Meditation, Guided Imagery Visualization (April 2024).