You increase your attention

Yes meditate 30 minutes a day the structure of your brain will change and, as a consequence, your learning capacity increases, says Britta K. Hölzel , researcher of Massachusetts General Hospital . For these benefits, we give you more reasons to practice meditation Vedic .

Gary Gorrow , teacher meditation Vedic , Certified in Ayurveda Health , explains that we have between 60 thousand and 80 thousandthoughts a day, many of these disturb us. Hence, this technique seeks transcend Y still you mind . Here are some reasons to practice it.



You increase your attention

According to a study headed by Alex Hankey , physical Massachusetts Institute of Technology and science specialist Vedic philosophical, the meditation Vedic improvement of the sensory function, which allows you to be more alert and increase your awareness of the environment.


Rest better

With the pressures of this modern life, the quality of sleep decreases, but at to meditate with the technique Vedic it is possible to have a quality dream, explains the study in charge of Alex Hankey . The above because you rest better, wake up with more energy and even reduce your sleep needs up to an hour less.


Increase your tolerance to stress

Another real benefit of this technique is that it increases resistance to stress when controlling your negative thoughts . This is due to the mental training that allows you to put your ideas, feelings and reduce the anguish that produce situations of high pressure.


You improve your concentration

During the meditation Vedic , the mind reaches deep levels of introspection . With this internal observation you can concentrate on the here and now, as well as detach yourself from past things or from a future that is uncertain and that steals your attention from situations that you could enjoy in the present.


You learn to know yourself better

To meditate twice a day gives you the direct experience of connecting with your inner "I" and increasing the awareness of your being. By achieving the connection between your mind and body increases the ability to feel, accept, recognize and change that which does not let you be happy or that distracts you.

The meditation Vedic is a very easy and natural way to achieve full attention Y consciousness from your be . What you need is to sit in a comfortable place, close your eyes closed and let your thoughts flow. Do it 20 minutes in the morning and 20 minutes in the evening.