Amino acids

Many foods that some people consider to be uncommon They help you lose weight. This is the case of goji berries that help you lose weight They are not as well known as fruits and vegetables that regularly recommend slimming but its effect is the same, sometimes even better.

You can also see: The happy berries: The goji

In fact, studies published by The National Institute of Health , reveal that drinking berry juice on an empty stomach helps reduce waist centimeters.

These components of the goji berries are those that help weight loss:


Amino acids

They are substances that lose weight because they fulfill the function of producing proteins. Regularly, nutritionists recommend a diet high in proteins to lose weight.



Eliminate the toxins that the body does not need. Sometimes they are the ones that prevent us from losing those 'extra pounds'.


Fatty acids

The fats are necessary for the organism, those that should not be consumed are the saturated ones because they can cause cardiovascular problems, the goji berries They contain good fats like Omega 3.

A cup of goji berries It contains 100 calories and provides energy during the day. It is recommended to consume a cup as a snack at mid-day or make juice to take advantage of its nutrients.


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