Dengue is reduced in Mexico

The dengue is a infection that is transmitted by the mosquitoes Aedes aegypti, which, when you bite the individuals, generate a disease severe, with symptoms similar to flu ; This disease is most often recorded in tropical and subtropical regions around the world, according to data from the World Health Organization (WHO)

In Mexico, five thousand 580 cases of dengue , so far in 2011, which means a reduction of more than 70% compared to those registered in 2010, said the health secretary, Solomon Chertorivski Woldenberg .

The official stressed the importance of maintaining preventive campaigns aimed at "descacharrización " (elimination of scrap metal), the community's awareness of the importance of cleaning patios and roofs, as well as avoiding the accumulation of water in containers, pots and vases, among other measures that prevent the proliferation of larvae .

In addition, the Chertorivski Woldenberg mentioned the importance of entomological surveillance of the mosco, which allows to locate the risk areas and direct the campaigns to the sites where the insect is. The following video explains the symptoms and characteristics of the disease .

For his part, the Secretary of Health of the State of Tabasco, Luis Felipe Graham Zapata , said that cleaning is one of the most important measures to avoid the proliferation of the mosquito transmitter, so it is important to attend sites such as garbage dumps or vacant land, and support health promotion campaigns to the population.

Keep your environment clean to avoid infections and the proliferation of mosquitoes!

If you are interested in learning more about the subject, visit our special dengue.

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Video Medicine: Demystifying Medicine 2015 - Dengue: Breakbone Fever: a Major Unpublicized Killer Disease (April 2024).