Therapy for feet

Silver, like antibiotics, kills bacteria that cause disease. It is said that the first settlers of the western United States introduced a dollar of silver in milk containers to prevent the growth of fungi and bacteria. On the other side of the world, the Greeks and Romans used spoons, plates and water containers made of metal. They knew about its disinfecting power.

From home practices, silver went into pharmacology until the production of antibiotics displaced it in the 20th century. However, the application of these drugs resulted in the mutation of bacteria and other pathogens, then the therapeutic potential of the metal resurfaced.

"The new era of medicine will include silver as a very important component," says the researcher Nina Bogdanchikova, from the Center for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology at UNAM, located in Ensenada, Baja California.

In Russia, his native land, the scientist collaborated in a study that included the participation of 500 specialists, including doctors, veterinarians and doctors of science. "We work around 15 years. I collaborated by measuring the shape and structure of silver particles with physical-chemical methods. "

The knowledge generated served to develop drugs that are currently used in Russian clinics. Nina Bogdanchikova continued these works in Mexico and the most recent result has application in a footwear for diabetics.


Therapy for feet

One of the complications of diabetes mellitus is damage to the arteries that supply the feet. This disorder, known as diabetic foot, generates a lot of sensitivity to bumps and infections that form ulcers and gangrene.

Four years ago, the businesswoman Adriana Salinas, science teacher, and Dr. María Maldonado, from the Center for Applied Innovation in Competitive Technologies (CIATEC), manufactured a soft and comfortable shoe that protects the diabetic foot. They were joined by Nina Bogdanchikova, with the aim of giving the product an additional value.

"We add silver nanoparticles (nanometer-sized particles, a nanometer is one billionth of a meter) inside the shoe, which provide an antiseptic environment. This means that the shoe will be clean, free of bacteria, fungi and viruses. It's like an artificial immune system that helps a lot to prevent gangrene. "

The team is about to request the registration of the patent and seeks to extend the benefits to the population.

From his laboratory, Bogdanchikova continues to explore more properties of silver nanoparticles. An advanced project consists of an aqueous solution to treat diabetic foot injuries. His medical collaborators prepare the studies in patients of hospitals in Baja California.

The good news is that the doctor César Almonaci Hernández avoided the amputation of 20 legs and also showed that this treatment has a positive effect on foot injuries due to the Human Papilloma Virus.

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