Anxiety, characteristic of the infidels?

Would you like to identify an unfaithful person just by looking at her? So far this is not possible, however, there are features that help you detect people who are not completely honest, for example, those that are Anxious women are more likely to be unfaithful according to Northwestern University.

The study was published in British Psychological Society's Research Digest and it was applied to 63 students who were made to feel different moods, from neutral, calm or anxious , with different kind of music.

The musical theme Psychosis made people feel restless. Subsequently, the students participated in some computers to obtain money that had ways to cheat.

The people not anxious they cheated 19 times, while anxious people did it 24 times.

In other words, the most anxious participants are more likely to cheat, this is because, according to the researchers, "the anxiety It increases the perception of threat, which, in turn, reduces ethical behavior. "

So, basically, the more cornered you feel, the more likely you are to cheat and break the rules.