Meditation helps fight cancer

Dealing with the diagnosis of a disease such as Cancer is a difficult process that triggers states of anxiety , stress Y fear . These conditions damage the physical and emotional health of patients, also prevents them from a speedy recovery.

A recent study conducted by the Massachusettes General Hospital suggests that meditation is a good practice to combat the Cancer . Research shows that patients who meditate are cured earlier and suffer fewer relapses.

Deborah King international lecturer and writer, explains in the following video how the Cancer through the meditation :

The benefits of meditation they are many and science has shown that it produces positive changes that favor health both psychologically and physiologically. The meditation continuous generates changes in the areas of brain related to identity , the empathy and the stress .

When the organism is under high levels of tension , the body's defenses diminish and therefore it is easy target of diseases such as Cancer . For this reason, specialists recommend meditation as an alternative to fight this disease.

Through the meditation the immune system , in such a way that there is a better adaptation and response to the treatment of chemotherapy . The healing process works best when the body is relaxed and calm.

Be diagnosed with Cancer It is not a death sentence. If you detect it on time it is totally curable. Remember to visit the doctor before any anomaly you detect in your body. Beware!

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Video Medicine: The Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center Presents: Centering Meditation (May 2024).