Exercises for people with diabetes

If you have a chronic health problem, you must take into account certain considerations when making exercise .

There are disciplines that because of your condition would be harmful to you Health . However, there are activities that besides improving the symptoms of diseases such as diabetes , hypertension , Cancer , cardiovascular problems They help prevent them.

A good routine of exercises must include cardiovascular and resistance activities, but in case of chronic diseases , some activities are usually better than others.

Scientific studies have shown that aerobic exercises they are a good option for heart diseases , cholesterol , diabetes , high pressure , apoplexy , Cancer Y Lung diseases . The intensity of each routine depends on each particular case; On many occasions it is enough to take a walk or take a bike ride.

The aerobic exercises are designed to increase the circulation of oxygen in your body thanks to the repetitive movement of the groups of muscles long that increase the rhythm of the heart.

There are two types of aerobic exercises: those that require the support of the corporal weight and cause that the muscles work against the force of the gravity, like jogging, walking or dancing, and others in which it is not necessary to use this force as it is the case of riding a bicycle, swim or paddle.

There are also the anaerobic exercises , among which are the yoga and the exercises of resistance with weights, which seek to strengthen muscles .

Before starting a routine exercises , do not forget to check with your doctor. And if you have not done any kind of a long time physical activity , begins gradually. Remember that the important thing is the constancy to see the results.

Video Medicine: Diabetes and Exercise - Decide to Move (April 2024).