Relationship with the brain

The go to Y aggressiveness are feelings that cause severe damage to Health . When you accumulate them and can not find a way to get them out, there comes a time when it naturally manifests itself through diseases or symptom . But What happens in the body when you feel hate?

Although the hate is a emotion natural, harms the health physical Y mental ; alter your mood, generate stress , anxiety And till depression .


The mind, the emotions and the body are communicated. When there is go to or hate they are released hormones Y substances as adrenalin , cortisol , prolactin ; the longer they are secreted in the body the more hurt suffers the immune system and the organism is more susceptible, explains Robert Ader, researcher at the Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry .


Relationship with the brain

Researchers from the Neurobiology Laboratory of the University College from London they found that when you feel hate the central area of ​​the brain , known as putamen and the insula , located on the lateral surface.

These areas are the same as those activate when you feel the love Romantic. It is logical that these parts are stimulated because they are passions that can lead to committing acts so irrational Y aggressive , Explain Semir Zeki, researcher at the University College Neurobiology Laboratory .

The hate is the product of resentments ; It is contrary to love. An attitude is expressed hostile , aggressive Y repulsive against something or someone. This may be because frustrations , rivalries or envy . Is a inexhaustible feeling what work forgive Y forget .


Pressure that does not let you feel

Other conditions that you gain when you accumulate this adverse feeling are a blood pressure Y heart rate high. In addition, you have more chances of suffering some heart disease .

When we feel something negative towards a person, the body enter a fight , it generates changes as the increase in blood pressure ; the go to and the inflammatory system responds to the threat , Explain Charles Raison, clinical director of the Mind and Body Program at Emory University .

When you are resenting that pain and you only want revenge or you are looking for retaliation , you wear out Energy Y you lose focus of your present, which leads to affections of the digestive system Y nervous .


For Irina Matveikova, specialist in endocrinology and clinical nutrition , the emotions the resents the stomach . Tension causes us a knot or emptiness in the face of frustration that is somatized or reflected in a disease, to the extent of developing a stomach ulcer .

Although at the moment you do not feel Physical changes or symptoms in your body, if you continue feeding the resentment the body sooner or later explodes affecting the passing of the bill .

Hence the importance of heal emotionally to enjoy fully of the life. Why have you felt hate?

Video Medicine: Trauma, Brain & Relationship: Helping Children Heal (May 2024).