Love is a matter of calendar

Do you have a relationship with a man older than you? It is more common than you imagine.

Silvio Berlusconi, who was Prime Minister of Italy for years, is a 77-year-old man who likes very young women; in fact, he was accused of abuse of power and of paying for sex to Ruby "Rompecorazones", a Moroccan dancer, when she was a minor.

In other times, they were called "old greens"; today, they are an increasingly common and accepted phenomenon in the world. But what would be the explanation of this type of relationship?


Love is a matter of calendar

A study published in the magazine European Journal of Perational Research, He evaluated about 1,500 couples to reach this conclusion: if the wife is younger and more intelligent, the relationship has good prospects of functioning, especially if neither of the two "loads" in their past with a divorce; whereas if the age difference is reversed, that is, they are smaller than they, the risk of separation is greater.


Mature man, young woman

According to the Spanish psychologist Pilar Varela , author of the book "Pure and hard love. Psychology of the couple, their emotions and their conflicts ", what an older man looks for in a young woman is "freshness, freshness and beauty", as well as "a less worried mind and the illusion that all this, to a certain extent, is contagious".

Obviously, the expert adds, having a woman with smooth and firm skin in the bed, "who drinks the winds for you and is not able to say no to anything, rejuvenates any man. Above all the feeling of feeling that you can continue enjoying life with full intensity. It's like living a second youth. "


And what is the young woman looking for in the mature man?

According to the specialist, young women look for older men, "security, experience, more life. Transfer your problems, wait for their help, find support. " In a way, he fulfills the role of the father figure of protection, wisdom and even a social status that is usually acquired over the years.

However, not everything is honey on flakes. The problem appears in those cases in which the attraction is purely physical.

Probably, at the end of time, this same person capable of turning a fifty-year-old into a twenty-year-old, ends up being too immature and the idyllic love story ends up becoming a nightmare, Varela notes.

For many years, this type of relationship has been socially accepted, but today, more than ever, stories like those of Berlusconi have made us open our eyes more to this type of unions that raise certain suspicions.

Video Medicine: The Family Plan Calendar (May 2024).