Lose weight with birdseed

The birdseed is a seed rich in vegetale proteins s (two tablespoons, they have more protein that a kilo of meat) and with less damage than this, because they are amino acids stable of good assimilation .

Between the properties of the birdseed We can highlight its wealth in antioxidants Y vegetable proteins . The enzymes which contains this seed they are very good deflators of liver, kidneys and pancreas (help in processes diabetics ).

It also helps to eliminate excess fluids; is preventive in arteriosclerosis and help fight the hypertension . It is very useful in processes digestive and reduce conditions such as ulcers or gastritis .

The birdseed contains lipase , a enzyme , protein segregated by the pancreas in the small intestine, which triggers the breakdown of fats in fatty acids .

So that you know a little more about the benefits and properties of the birdseed , in GetQoralHealth we present you a video about this seed :

These seeds are effective in cases of high cholesterol and has properties emollients that prevent inflammation . They are depurative and inhibitory of bacteria of the urinary tract and they are used to lose weight , since they eliminate fats of the organism.

THE birdseed it is usually consumed as birdseed milk , which consists of leaving soaking all night in a glass of water, 5 tablespoons. Subsequently, the seeds that are liquefied are strained and reserved, along with a liter of water, and are taken throughout the day.

Remember that if you want to introduce these seeds in you feeding , to get your Benefits , you must be constant to obtain the results they give you.

Video Medicine: ADELGAZA con LECHE DE ALPISTE (receta potencializada quemagrasa) / Lose Weight with Bird Seed Milk (April 2024).