Listen to your call

According to World Health Organization (WHO) , every day 3 thousand men and women commit some form of suicide. In Mexico, according to figures from National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI), The age group in which there are more suicidal acts is that which covers 15 to 29 years of age.

Young people who seek to die frequently are trying to get away from a life situation that seems impossible to manage, such as a school or work failure, a family loss, being victims of bullying or a love break.

In the last 10 years, the suicide rate among people of this age has increased by 75% for reasons that can be attributed to the loss of expectations, changes and social pressures.


Listen to your call

According to the specialist Laura León León, Director of Treatment and Rehabilitation of Youth Integration Centers , there are certain signs that can warn parents and close people about a potential suicide:

1. Difficulty concentrating or thinking clearly.
2. Desires to give away or give away your belongings.
3. Sudden changes in behavior.
4. Loss of interest in activities you previously enjoyed.
5. Difficulties at school or work.
6. Modification of dietary or sleep habits,
7. Self-destructive behaviors such as consuming drugs or drinking alcohol excessively.

Although the causes of suicide are multiple and are related to the environment and social relationships, the risk of self-harm increases with the consumption of drugs .

"Most national and international studies have shown that between 15 and 46% of completed suicides were committed by people who had used one or more drugs in the moments before taking their own lives."

The substances associated with depressions Severe or severe abstinence syndromes are the alcohol, opiates and stimulants such as cocaine and amphetamines and its derivatives. It should be noted that the combined use of these substances increases the risk of self-harm.

Prevention is essential to prevent adolescents and young people from becoming part of the statistics. The fact of avoiding in the family the alcohol or drug use it can reduce the risk of suicide, avoid the possession of firearms and, above all, listen and attend to the needs of minors.