Life goes on…

You were ready to start a new opportunity, But when you carry it out do you make the same mistakes of the past? No matter the scope, whether professional or personal, sometimes your worst enemy is usually yourself; that is, you self-sabotage

According to therapist Bel Cesar, self-sabotage presents itself whenever we distrust our ability to overcome obstacles, as we cultivate a feeling of inner cowardice that blocks emotions and it paralyzes us. Many times, the fear the change is greater than the force to change.


Life goes on…

It is said that time is the same, that it is life that ends. So, how to prevent this from happening without the planned goals being achieved? That's why we give you 4 ways in which you self-sabotage your goals, with information from Aida Baida, certified coach and doctor of genetics.

1. Do not finish things. You start many things and leave them half-baked, or you dedicate a lot work and effort to something and when you are about to finish, you leave it with any excuses. This type of sabotage can also affect your career: leave a job just before a possible promotion, abandon a career near the end.

2. Postpone everything until the last minute (procrastinate). This is very common. The reason "hidden" is simple, if you leave everything to the end and do not try everything you can always have that excuse if things do not go well, is a kind of protective shield of your alleged disability.

3. Perfectionism. With this you do not finish things and stress out You avoid running the risk of failing or not living up to it. It becomes an excuse to not achieve your goals.

4. Make excuses. "I am too old, I am very young, I do not have money ..." They are simple costumes of the fear.

Remember that you are solely responsible for your actions and therefore who has the power to change what you do not like. Beware!