Let your passion be!

Beyond being a natural antidepressant, running may be the best way to increase your intelligence. Since 30 minutes of this activity a day is enough to increase the number of mitochondria in the neurons of your brain, according to a study of the University of the South in the United States.

However, what can be done to make this habit easier to perform?

Tip Try to shorten your steps and try to do more strides per minute: the ideal is 180. This can help you run more efficiently, as it will allow you to save emerges and increase the distance you travel.


Let your passion be!

Perform this constant physical activity It can also do good to your muscles; Well, running accelerates the process of regeneration of your body's cells, according to a study.

So that you do not miss out on these benefits, here are some tips to make running easier and more fun for you, with information from the expert, Aleisha Fetters.

1. Look closely at where you are looking. Keep your eyes fixed on a point in front of you, it will make running easier, since it makes you forget everything you have around you. Also your movements will be more efficient.

2. Relax your arms. Tightening the shoulders and bending your elbows causes a greater energy waste.

3. Change the rhythm. To avoid the exhaustion of your legs it is essential that you change the rhythm. Make the first kilometer with a smooth step, the 5 kilometers later can use a moderate pace to fast.

4. Wear comfortable clothes. Never run without a proper sports bra, always use a footwear specialized to run ; This has the quality of cushioning your weight in each step.

5. Give yourself time. It does not matter if your training is strong or lighter, for your body it is essential that there is a rest period, as this avoids injuries and excessive exhaustion.

Final advice. For this activity to be easy for you, but above all for your liking, look for the company of a friend. It will also help you to challenge your own limits.

Video Medicine: Let Your Passion Be Single - John Piper (April 2024).