Learning to read modifies the brain

Reading, besides being a stage in student life, is a phenomenon that represents a important impact in the genetic evolution .

When you learn how to read the impact to the brain is very important, because they adapt and use regions of the brain destined to other functions.

A study published by the journal Science revealed that learning to read activates the visual system in the specialized regions and at the same time the primary visual regions, so that the visual information (graphics) can be understood.

In people who learn to read, the brain also resorts to specialized areas in spoken language , since reading "activates the speech system" to become aware of sounds and allows "to establish relationships between the visual system and the speech system, between written letters and sounds", underlined Laurent Cohen, researcher at the National Institute of Health and Medical Research of France (INSERM).

Learning to read in adulthood causes the brain to redistribute its resources and the parts that focus on them. In this way, the visual recognition of objects and the faces yield part of the land as we learn to read and move partially to the right hemisphere.

In adults who learn to read "the changes that this causes are almost the same" as in children who are literate at younger ages.

Cohen, responsible for the investigation explains: "There is no specialized innate brain system in reading, we have to do DIY, use systems that already exist. "

Source: muyinteresante.es

Video Medicine: The Brain and Learning (April 2024).