5 emotional benefits of chromotherapy

The colors , as therapeutic tools, they have the enormous advantage that we can use them in daily life to favor the wellness or recover health. Some say that the color orange is clearly energetic, while yellow is associated with memory, learning, attention and intelligence.

Others point out that green keeps us in touch with the environment and nature, but it is also good against anxiety and the exhaustion . It is a fact that everything that surrounds us has an effect on our health. The food we eat, the air we breathe or the colors we see, this is the case of chromotherapy , technique used to improve our quality of life.


Know your benefits

1. Hormonal effects . The current scientific theory of chromotherapy is based on the action of light on the pineal gland, which stimulates or inhibits the secretion of certain hormones and neurotransmitters . This mechanism explains the effects shown on the blood pressure , the cardiac and respiratory frequencies and the electrical activity of the brain.

2. Warm and cold colors . These are stimulating and help, for example, people with depressions reactive In contrast, cool colors are relaxing and can be used to treat anxiety wave hypertension .

3. Against seasonal depression . The most widespread treatment is that performed with white and bright light against seasonal affective disorder, a type of depression with greater incidence in the Nordic countries, where the dose of clarity is reduced during the winter. The same type of light is used before the anorexy and the bulimia nervosa , the insomnia and drug addictions.

4. Colors for the baby . Another common treatment is that of neonatal jaundice with blue light. In this case, the efficiency is based on the ability of light to decompose the bilirubin, a metabolic product that dyes the skin yellow and that in excessive doses can damage the brain. All hospitals now have a cradle of light to solve a problem that a few years ago was treated with risky blood transfusions.

5. The red color, good for everything . This type of light is effective in the treatment of constipation or the healing of wounds. Elite athletes use it to improve their performance: it increases muscular electrical activity by 6%. This property of the red light is being investigated by NASA because it can be useful to keep the muscle mass of the astronauts in shape.

As you will see this technique is beneficial to improve not only your mood, but quality to optimize your quality of life. Remember that it takes a lot of perseverance and dedication to achieve the desired results. Try it!

Video Medicine: Color Therapy & Much More With Atom Bergstrom (April 2024).