Learn to store your food!

Do you want to have a more orderly pantry or protect your food from the development of bacteria? An easy way to make them is by using glass or plastic containers that guarantee the freshness of all your food.

According to United States Department of Agriculture , introducing food in airtight containers helps to keep bacteria away, to retain moisture and to avoid mixing odors and flavors.

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Learn to store your food!

For its part, the State of Oregon, United States, He explains that to keep your food fresh and free of bacteria it is important that you learn to store it by following these steps:

1. Choose the appropriate molds . The containers, whether plastic or glass, have to be airtight; that is to say, that they close completely to avoid that enters the air or any fungus to your foods.

2. Write down the date of packaging and expiration . Use a label to record the storage date, as well as the last day that product can be used.

3. Take advantage of spaces . It is very important that you use every space in your pantry or refrigerator, so use molds that allow you to stack products without risking them falling or spilling.

Video Medicine: How to Store Your Food at Home (April 2024).