Carbohydrates, allies of your health

The consumption of foods with carbohydrates has acquired a bad reputation lately, but by letting us be guided by generalities, we lose sight of the fact that through a correct diet we can benefit from everything they offer us.

Our diet provides the body with nutrients that are digested, absorbed and metabolized in the body: macronutrients, which are classified as carbohydrates, lipids, proteins; and micronutrients, which are vitamins and minerals. Hence the importance of a balanced diet. Such is the case of the consumption of foods with carbohydrates.

The nutrients that we must consume in greater proportion are carbohydrates, since they constitute the main source of energy due to their availability for the human being.

Considered important nutrients in the diet and mandatory consumption to maintain health, foods with carbohydrates have an energy value of approximately 4 Calories / gram, and should represent between 50 and 60% of daily caloric intake.

Carbohydrates can be simple or complex and include sugars, starches and celluloses. Within a correct diet, they are healthy in all their forms and varieties. Some of its main functions that contribute to our body are:

1. Source and storage of energy for the cell. As an energy reserve carbohydrates are present in limited quantities in the liver and muscle, provisions that are consumed in the first hours of fasting.

2. They represent approximately 10% of the structural material of the walls and membranes of the cells, and they are present in the cellular components responsible for their function and growth.

3. For the recovery of the body after exercise The body uses carbohydrates to form glycogen, a substance stored in the liver and muscles, thus restoring its reserves.

4. When we eat less carbohydrates than we should , the body uses its own protein as an energy source, such as in prolonged fasting, in situations of increased energy demand, or also in the presence of very strict reduction diets, increasing the risk of hypoglycemia, dizziness, pain of head and until faints.

Now that you know, eat carbohydrate foods correctly, so they can contribute to your health all its benefits without causing you to increase your weight.

If you have doubts about how many servings per day are recommended for you, go with a nutritionist to perform the necessary calculations according to your characteristics. For more information:: @inskmx

Video Medicine: Understanding Net Carbs on the Ketogenic Diet (April 2024).