Know your brain

Anger is an emotion that daily haunts us and can cause you to lose control and your health is damaged.

According to the American Psychological Assocaiton (APA) , anger or anger is not always out of place, since there are very real and inevitable causes in our lives: but, what happens in your brain when you get angry ?, in GetQoralHealth we explain it to you


Know your brain

Scientists of the University of Iowa , conducted a study in which participants were asked to perform a task, with the purpose of rejecting it without any foundation and thus provoke their anger. By causing the participants to be angry, they captured the exact moment when 2 zones were activated in the brain: the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) and the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC).

1. ACC. It is the anterior cingulate cortex of the brain and is responsible for the control of emotions.

2. DLPFC: It is the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex of the brain, and is responsible for making rational decisions, so it prevents us from getting carried away by impulses. However, being "angry", it can also become exhausted and stop working.


How does anger affect your brain?

Scientists conclude that self-control is a resource that is exhausted by "overuse", and that should be used properly and moderately by keeping you away from conflict.


Say goodbye to anger!

In this sense, the American Psychological Assocaiton , recommends 4 effective relaxation techniques so you can master the anger and do not dominate you.

1. Breathe deeply. Do not breathe from the chest, imagine that your breath rises from your "belly".
2. Inspirational phrase. Use phrases like "relax" or "keep calm," while breathing slowly.
3. Imagination. Visualize a beautiful and ideal situation, remember that moment when you felt so happy that you did not think about anything else.
4. Activate yourself Exercises such as yoga, make your muscles relax and reach the feeling of calm.

Remember that the best way to overcome anger is not to lock yourself in the situation, but to work inside yourself and the way you are going to handle and face each problem.

Video Medicine: Meet Your Master: Getting to Know Your Brain - Crash Course Psychology #4 (May 2024).