Food for memory

In recent years several studies have shown the relationship between certain vitamins Y minerals , and the proper functioning of brain . Sugar, for example, is a quick and temporary stimulant, but it fades very quickly (in an hour or two), and when it fades away we often feel even more tired than before.

Like our body, so that it continues to function properly our brain , you have to provide the nutrients adequate. Eat foods rich for the brain can help to refresh the memory , eliminate brain fog and help improve the brain function .

In addition to these important functions, it is known that they are also essential for improving the memory long term, so it is advisable to include the following foods in your meals:

1. Carrots and nuts , are some of the foods rich in antioxidants and beta-carotene .

2. Green tea it is a great source of antioxidants and it is very beneficial for the total health of the body.

3. Soy is another great food to boost the memory . Eat tofu (tofu) regularly helps your memory and improves the operation of brain , or, as soy milk .

4. Olive oil help your brain enormously if you include it in your diet regular. Use it for dressing in salads or for cooking regularly, but try to keep it in a cool, dark place, do not expose it to light when you are not using it.

By adjusting your diet in order to improve your memory , you will help your brain , as well as your body. No need for big changes, all you have to do is replace the bad ones foods for good nutrients .

Video Medicine: TOP 15 BRAIN FOODS (May 2024).