5 natural remedies vs varices

The varicose veins in the legs is one of the main vascular diseases of women, not only from the aesthetic point of view, but health. It has different causes, but the main ones are the sedentary lifestyle , the obesity , spend a lot of time sitting or standing and a bad diet.

There are different treatments both to prevent them and to fight them, so in GetQoralHealth we tell you how you can do it naturally and from home, according to innatia.com:

1. Apple cider vinegar: Rub Apple vinager on your legs to activate the circulation , always from the bottom up.

2. Clay compress. Dissolve 4 tablespoons of green clay in a cup of warm water, mix until you get a paste and apply at night on the affected area. Once dry, rinse very well.

3. Garlic and alcohol. Crush three heads of Garlic and mix them in alcohol, with a cotton wool, pass this solution on your legs every night.

4. Immersion baths. You can combine in a tub deep enough to submerge your legs: laurel, mint, chamomile and baking soda. Do this every night for a few minutes and then dry.

5. Carrot mask Cut a carrot into pieces and put it in the blender together with a medium piece of aloe vera or aloe vera pulp , which you should clean and wash beforehand.

Add a stream of Apple vinager until a paste is formed, which you must place on the affected parts for 30 minutes. After time, rinse them with cold water.

Remember that because varicose veins are veins weakened, without the strength they had before to return the blood to the heart , it is also recommended not to use very tight clothes nor spend a lot of time sitting cross-legged.

Elevate your legs above the level of the hips and support them on an armchair or cushions. Also, you should keep them slightly up at the time of sleep through pillows.

Do not forget that you must take care of your weight and healthy eating, as well as perform every day from 30 to 60 minutes of exercise (walk, run, swim).

Video Medicine: Natural Remedies for Varicose Veins (April 2024).