Diet for athletes

The importance of a feeding adequate is a fact known to the athletes and their trainers . For those who are dedicated to competition , has one goal: to improve its brands.

However, for those who practice sports by hobby or with the idea of ​​improving their Health or figure, the goal of a healthy diet is to satisfy nutritional needs, avoiding both deficiencies and excesses. Therefore, it is essential that both types are fed according to the caloric expenditure that they have

Therefore, we give you some recommendations for a diet to help you replace and recover your Energy :

1. Diet high in complex carbohydrates : around 60% of the needs of Energy they must come from foods rich in carbohydrates , since they are subsequently transformed into glucose , which is the source of Energy preferred to work the muscles . These foods they are bread, rice, pasta, box cereals, fruits and tubers.

2. Drink plenty of fluids : keep the body well hydrous during and after the training and the competitions . Care should be taken with the consumption of beverages containing caffeine .

3. Diet must be low in fat : should be avoided foods with high content of grease . The consumption of a small amount of grease is necessary for good health, especially for the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins . The grease it is not a good source of Energy for work muscular , so it is convenient to consume foods with low content of fats and avoid the use of additional fat such as butter, margarine, cream and mayonnaise.

4. Moderate protein diet : for the resistance exercises you need to increase rations of proteins , which ensures an adequate recovery of the muscles after the exercise . For this it is not necessary to increase the consumption of proteins with supplements, simply consume more of foods with these.

5. Fiber : the athletes , especially those of high performance , usually need to ingest more food , so it is not convenient to consume those with a high content of fiber because they are very filling.

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Video Medicine: Breakfast for Athletes (April 2024).