Know them and have a good quality of life!

It is true that mistakes help us grow both personally and professionally, however, ideally we should be quick and precise when choosing something to increase our productivity, but how to improve decision making?

If you ever doubted the guarantee of your decisions, it is best that you use some scientifically proven methods to make your determinations clear and effective.


Know them and have a good quality of life!

1. Full bladder. A study from the University of Twente, in the Netherlands, suggests that making a decision with a full bladder increases the brain's self-control ability and encourages a good choice.

In information published in Muy, it is specified that people who feel the need to go to the bathroom choose options with optimal long-term results.

2. Time limit. According to research from Duke University, a better decision is made when unconscious thinking is allowed to do so, that is, when thinking too much about options, unimportant information can be valued.

3. Rest and sleep well. Neuroscientists at the University of California at Berkeley and Duke recommend sleeping well before making a crucial decision. They ensure that during dreams the brain reduces the emotions that cause pain or displeasure that are in the memory, which optimizes the choice.

In addition, lack of sleep favors risk decisions because brain activity increases in the regions where the positive hypothetical results are analyzed.

4. Dose of sugar. A study from the University of South Dakota suggests that blood glucose favors decision making aimed at welfare in the long term, while lack of sugar stimulates impulsivity to seek immediate reward.

5. Use video games. Action games train the mind to make a better decision in a short time, according to a study from the University of Rochester, because the details are perceived in a better way.

Successful decision-making will give you peace of mind and improve your well-being, so pay attention to your heart and mind. And you, what is the method you use to choose the right option?

Video Medicine: When it comes to quality of life, what matters to you? (April 2024).