Know the most diverse types of bandages

Bandages are procedures made with strips of canvas or other materials, in order to wrap an injured limb or other parts of the human body. They are used mainly in wounds, hemorrhages, fractures, sprains, dislocations, fixation of dressings, splints and support joints.

To make a bandage there are different rules:


  • The band should be placed with the band roll out of the area we are going to bandage.
  • Before starting any bandage should be given two laps of security so that it does not run.
  • It must start from the distal part or farthest from the heart to the nearest part to avoid the accumulation of blood.
  • When you are going to bandage a joint, to support it. the bandage starts from the proximal part or closest to the heart to the farthest to prevent it from running.
  • Whenever we are going to immobilize an area due to an injury it is done including nearby joints to avoid further damage and support.
  • If possible, avoid bandaging the fingers and toes


Circular or spiral bandage

It is used to fix the initial and final end of an immobilization or to fix a dressing or a splint. Two safety loops are given and the bandage is continued turning in the same direction towards the upper part of the extremity making sure that the turns are of the Same size


Hernia bandage

It is used to apply pressure in a certain area (to prevent bleeding).
It starts as the circular bandage but instead of going up all the time, it is interspersed one turn up and another down forming a series of "X" as you go forward making sure that the line formed by the crosses is straight to exercise pressure on that area.


Bandage in eight or turtle

It is used in the joints (ankle, knee, shoulder, elbow, wrist), since it allows to have a certain mobility.
The joint is slightly flexed. The bandage is directed alternately upwards and then downwards, so that at the back the bandage always passes and crosses at the center of the joint. Depending on the movement we want to avoid is the area where the cross of the bandage will be placed.



It is used to support the hand, arm or forearm in case of wounds, burns, fractures, sprains and dislocations.
Two laps of security are given in the affected arm and the bandage is placed towards the hand and then towards the neck in such a way that the neck is the one that carries the weight of the limb.
Place the forearm of the victim slightly oblique, that is to say that the hand is higher than the elbow.


Bandage for the head or capeline

It begins by making two circular safety turns in a horizontal direction around the head. Then the bandage is directed by means of folds that cover the entire cranial vault, since it is covered two horizontal turns are given to fix all the folds of the bandage (it is done between two people).
For the immobilization of some fractured limb, magazines, pillows, cardboard, wood, splints, another part of the body such as the leg or other finger, etc ... may be used, as long as it prevents the movement of the affected limb.