Know the 7 Chakras of the body

According to oriental philosophy, Chakras, seven energy centers that act as transmitters of Energy , they have correlation in the center of the spinal cord and in the nerve plexuses of the human body.

On the physical plane, Chakras have influence on our activity through the operation of endocrine glands that affect body functioning, mental balance and emotional integrity.

There are several techniques for the alignment of our centers, among them the chromotherapy , exercises physical, or visualization techniques, among others; However, one of the most effective is the Reiki , a process of meeting the energies universal and physical of each individual.

How is a Reiki therapy?

The therapy of Reiki helps to alleviate pains physical but considers the affected person globally, from the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels or bodies.

In this way, the Reiki not only is directed to suppress the pathology, but also to recover the natural state of balance that produces wellness Y happiness .

In opinion of Francisco Cardona , psychologist and therapist in Reiki , the traumas and the physical and psychological dysfunctions are reflected in the Chakras : an excess, a defect or a block in the flow of energy affects our well-being.

In a session of Reiki , the practitioner imposes his hands on the body of the receiver (who remains with the clothes on). The amount of Energy received by the patient is determined by himself, the therapist is limited to direct energy by acting as an intermediary between it and the provider (the Cosmos) that delivers it unlimitedly, says the specialist.

A session can last from a few minutes in the group sessions, up to an hour or more. In principle it is advisable to pose the hands for five minutes in each position, either on the Chakras , the damaged area or any part of the body according to intuition.

The seven Chakras of the body

For starters, there are no good or bad Chakras; all are necessary and function as a whole, not separately. According to scholars of Eastern philosophy, in the proper functioning of these 7 energy vortices is the balance. Each Chakra has a dual function, with the exception of the first and the seventh.

1.- Basic chakra or first Chakra: It is the anchor of spirit ; its good functioning will determine the connection of the human being with the earth and the matter; also, it is at the end of the spine .

According to the specialists it gives a feeling of being someone, of belonging to something, of "having roots". However, when channeling little energy, the person feels disoriented, does not know where he is or who he is.

East Chakra it is also associated with sex; It is also the place where there is more intense energy in the human body, the one that allows to generate life.

2.- Splenic chakra or second Chakra: It is located at the level of the navel, in the abdomen and has influence on the nervous system and the temperature of the organism. It gives a perfect harmony in the body, the mind and the emotions; its misuse produces hysteria or looking for experiences that reflect intensities of pleasure or of pain.

3.- Solar Plexus or third Chakra: It is located in the solar plexus and has influence on the digestive system . In addition, it gives dominion over the subconscious and illuminates the mind .

It also gives sanity, ignites initiatives and talents, and develops prudence to a high degree. If he chakra is hyperactive, but does not process energy, the person feels confused, does not know what to think about herself, and experiences anxiety .

4.- Heart Chakra or fourth Chakra: It is at the height of heart , reflects the deepest feelings. This chakra is responsible for all unselfish compassion and love, transcendence and discernment.

When all the active rays are active it stimulates the vitality and activity in the brain , tones the glandular system and accelerates the internal secretion. In addition, it grants the wisdom , stability, perseverance , patience and mental balance before suffering or pleasure. His imbalance gives a feeling of emptiness, the being becomes prejudiced.

5.- Laryngeal chakra or fifth Chakra: It is located in the throat and influences the expression, communication, hearing and telepathy. Govern the thyroid , the bronchial and vocal apparatus, the lungs, the alimentary canal and the inner ear.

This center is responsible for rejuvenation and longevity. At purely physical levels, the ailments of this center include the Vertigo , the anemia , allergies , fatigue Y asthma .

6.- Third Eye or sixth Chakra. It is between the eyebrows and belongs to the spiritual world, where the superior and permanent principles of man reside.

In the physical body, the third eye governs the pituitary gland , the brain left, the eye left, ears, nose and nervous system in general.

When all the rays are activated, the individual develops temperance, awakens ideas of dignity, greatness, veneration and delicate feelings, produces positive clairvoyance.

His imbalance makes the being illogical, too intellectual, distracted, forgotten, fear to the future.

7.- Coronal Chakra or Seventh Chakra: It is located on the top of the head and does not come into operation unless the individual has done a conscious spiritual work.

Is a chakra that vibrates with very high speed, until covering the top of the head. When all the rays are activated, the individual for the first time understands that creation has no limits and that it is one with its potentiality.

Balance your energy and enjoy this benefit offered by the therapy Reiki .

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Video Medicine: क्या होगा अगर आपके 7 चक्र जाग जाएं (7 Chakras Full Explanation) (April 2024).