If you leave me, I do not know what I'm capable of ...

The love it is an experience, that if you live in a healthy way, it is enriching and fulfilling individually or partner . However, sometimes the desire to spend time with the loved one becomes a need that gives way to obsession, how to know that it has reached this extreme?


Love becomes obsession when the other person occupies the most important place and almost the only one in the scale of priorities of the subject ", affirms Jorge Castelló, psychologist and author of the book Dependencia emocional.


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If you leave me, I do not know what I'm capable of ...

In accordance with Castelló an indication of this obsessive component in the relationship, is the need for constant access of the emotional dependent towards their partner , trying to do all kinds of activities with the other person, continuously calling or sending messages, which is interpreted as an act of checking that the couple is still there, as if united with an imaginary cord.

However, there are other traits that can help you know that love towards your partner has become a obsession.

1. You need your approval

2. They feel a low self-esteem. Because they have suffered emotional relationships unsatisfactory throughout your life.

3. There is nothing more than him . You place your partner in the first place of your life.

4. You do not see reality. You get excited and fantasize enormously at the beginning of a relationship or with the appearance of a person that you think is interesting.

5. You can not stand it. The breakup is a real trauma, but your desire to have a relationship is so great that they look for another person soon.

Affection must start with you. Do not forget that who you should care for and love first is yourself! Take care of yourself and enjoy your relationship.