Test to detect diabetes

Trust in medicines has replaced food as the main treatment for some diseases as the diabetes , which is considered incurable by some people.

The main cause of diabetes is the bad nutrition , so some doctors recommend carrying a diet balanced even, to the patients who suffer obesity they are prescribedMetformin , which serves as a coadjutant to lose weight and prevent this disease .

In an interview for GetQoralHealth , the endocrinologist and diabetologist, María Elena Sañudo explains the diagnosis of diabetes:

Frequently, insulin resistance is responsible for some people getting fat from eating excess carbohydrates. If you only learn to detect the symptoms of this condition, and acquire proper and healthy habits, you can prevent and control.

Because, GetQoralHealth has prepared this test so you can learn to identify it:

  1. Have you ever felt strong attacks from anxiety for eating sweets?
  2. Have you been very thirsty and want to urinate excessively?
  3. Has the volume of fat in your abdomen increased?
  4. Are you very tired and fibromyalgia ?
  5. Do you have warts on your neck and armpits?
  6. Do you suffer from apnea of the dream?
  7. Do you have uric acid, cholesterol and high triglycerides?
  8. Do you suffer from fatty liver?
  9. Do you present hirsutism (hair) and acne?

If you register most of these symptoms, you should go immediately to your doctor, who will perform the corresponding studies to determine if you have diabetes .

How is diabetes diagnosed?

The diagnosis of diabetes type 2 is done by measuring the sugar in the blood . The result is positive when fasting, sugar (glucose) is greater than 126 mg / dL; while after eating it is greater than 200 mg / dL.

For your treatment it is essential to control the glycemia, so it is recommended to sleep correctly and doexercise . In addition, they should eat five times a day to improve the metabolism .

Video Medicine: Diabetes Symptoms & Treatments : Testing for Diabetes (April 2024).