Take advantage of all the positive things!

A breakup It is a very painful experience when people still love their partner, however, there are some positive things you can learn from this separation and that will help you improve in a future relationship.

In accordance with Patricia Ramírez, psychologist and author of the book Why do they dream of being soccer players and they princesses? , points out that the pain that is experienced in a breakup It is not proportional to the years of relationship, but to the level of falling in love and complicity with the other person.

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Take advantage of all the positive things!

However, this pain can turn into something positive if people learn to overcome grief correctly and quickly, such as the following:

1. Accounts at all times with your friends . Even if you have left them in oblivion while you were a partner, your friends will always be there for you at the moment you need them the most.

2. Discover your defects and virtues . No one is perfect, so with the breaking off You learn to identify your defects, which you can correct to be compatible with someone else.

3. Mistakes are made at any time . No matter how much you are in love, mistakes will always be present. When you finish a relationship, make a list of all those you have committed and try to eliminate them from your love life.

4. Use the words carefully. More than actions, words have the power to hurt others, so remove words that offend the person near you from your vocabulary.

5. Connect with yourself . When you are in love it is normal to leave aside what you like or do things that maybe you would not do in another situation, so the break helps you to find yourself, your essence and your personality.

Never forget that there are always other opportunities to find the love of your life, if a relationship did not work, does not mean the end of your love life; it is simply a chapter that teaches you to improve the quality of your relationships and to enjoy your life with another perspective. And you, what have you learned from your love failures?

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