Beyond the bees and flowers ...

Where do the babies ? It is one of the questions that causes the greatest discomfort to parents, since, how talk to a son of sex without there being misinterpretations, confusion and taboo?

According to a study presented in the University of California , the sex education l can delay the age at which teens begin to have sexual activity, reduces the number of couples and increases the use of condoms.


Beyond the bees and flowers ...

If you still do not know how to talk about sex with your son. Here we provide 8 tips with information about Claire McCarthy, pediatrician and assistant professor of pediatrics in the Harvard Medical School.

1. It starts at an early age. If you wait until high school, there is a reasonable chance that your child will know more than you. Also, you will miss the opportunity to give some context to your sexual learning, since the means of communication and friends already offered a version of what surrounds this topic.

2. At first the talk should not be so detailed. Although at least you must teach him the names of the parts of the body. The idea is to lay the foundations for the understanding that the parts are for something, that reproduction is normal and that we are all sexual beings .

3. Find an appropriate time. The most important thing is to give children the truthful and useful information they need, for this you have to find a way to feel comfortable talking about the facts, the feelings and the values ​​associated with the sex.

4. Practice and choose the words . I like "penis". or "vagina." Say it out loud a couple of times so it can sound natural when you talk to your child. Talking with the correct name of the intimate parts, helps to avoid future obsessions if we are matter-of-fact and biological about the reproduction .

5. Investigate before . But if you want children to be able to make safe decisions, you need to give them scientifically accurate information.

6. Clarify your doubts to answer his. If you're not sure about things like the function of ovulation , or what Chlamydia is, you may want to Google them.

7. It is a process . Teaching about sex , and all the feelings and values ​​that come with it, is a process. It takes time, and a lot of conversations.

8. Keep talking about it.

According to the child psychologist and pedagogue Monste Doménech , before htalk about sex with your son It is important that any ideological or religious prejudice be removed, and be adapted to the character and maturity of the child. An eight-year-old child is not the same as Teen of 15. The most important thing is to facilitate the children's lives instead of complicating them.

Video Medicine: This Vibrating Bumblebee Unlocks a Flower's Hidden Treasure | Deep Look (April 2024).