How to replace this rich seasoning?

Did you know that in our country the consumption of Salt is almost double what the recommendation World Health Organization (WHO) ? But, how can you remove the salt from the diet ?

We are experts in shaking the salt shaker with singular joy. However, this bad eating habit contributes to the emergence of various diseases such as hypertension , kidney failure and obesity, among others.

According to the National Health Survey Realized by National Institute of Nutrition Salvador Zubirán , in 2009, in the case of men, the daily consumption of salt is nine grams, while that of women is seven grams.


How to replace this rich seasoning?

In the opinion of the head of Nutrition and Dietetics of the General Hospital , Rosa Isela Gallegos Huerta, in the current diets, the processed foods of easy preparation or pre-cooked contain excessive amounts of salt, as well as in sausages or cold meats, bread, instant pasta, fried foods, cheese and saucers prepared.

To control and, if possible, avoid so much consumption, the specialist recommends learning to taste the flavors without adding salt, and replace it with aromatic herbs and spices, as it is desirable to reduce the intake only two grams per day, which is equivalent to the loss of sodium through perspiration, urine and feces.

1. Use spices and condiments: pepper, vinegar, lemon, garlic, cumin and the like will prevent you from remembering the salt and will make the meals more tasty.

2. Avoid pre-cooked meals as much as possible, since a lot of salt is used to make and preserve these products. It is better that you prepare your food yourself.

3. Do not put the salt shaker on the table. If you do not see the salt, maybe you will not realize that you feel like it.

4. Slowly reduce the salt that you put on your meals. Use envelopes that measure the amount that exists and propose in each week use less sachets of salt. Your palate will get used to the taste without salt.

5. A simple measure, but extremely effective: use a salt shaker with small holes so that you unconsciously add less salt to the plate.

One last recommendation: check the labels when you go shopping. Search the content in sodium , which is the equivalent of salt, and discards products that have more content. Try not to consume them frequently or eliminate them from your diet if they are not essential. And you, how do you substitute salt?